MI CASO ES ESTE:http://es-asi.com.ar/node/5526
MIS REACCIONES FISIOLOGICAS SON:http://es-asi.com.ar/node/5527
Lo que no habia dicho es que yo he estado consumiendo marihuana durante 3 años y ocasionalmente cocaína. De eso hace ya algunos años, pero piensan que esto ha tenido algo que ver en que me halla vuelto obsesivo?¿
Cabe destacar que desde siempre he tenido algo de obsesion: tener que leer y sumar todas las matriculas de los coches o se me cogia ansiedad (empezo con 7 años o asi) aunque lo supere sin darle importancia..esto me duro unos 8 años o asi
Muchas gracias a todos
29 October, 2012 - 22:40
Pedro que tal mira la
Pedro que tal mira la verdad, yo no soy quien para darte clases de moral, ni nada de eso pero me parece que las drogas son algo que te van destruyendo, es como que si tu fueras cavando tu propia tumba, solo te van matando neuronas, hay muchos grupos de apollo tal vez yo no sabria decirte porque nunca he pasado por ello, pero de lo que si estoy segura es que a tu familia le haras daño.
En lo otro yo también tuve obsesiones con las placas de los automoviles, con que si tenian numero tres con que si eran color rrojo, con las manecillas del reloj, con el nombre completo del niño que me gustaba y el mio cuanto sumaban, y además con el cielo el infierno, con el quedar embarazada y con el delirio de persecución suerte.
29 October, 2012 - 22:46
Tienes razon pero eso ya lo
Tienes razon pero eso ya lo suepre. LLevo unos 4 años sin consumir aunque cada 7 o 8 meses consumo una noche, se que no esta bien, pero el toch me esta matando. Mas de una vez he pensado en suicidarme y muy seriamente, analizando que maneras serian las mas rapidas y cuales las perores.
A mi tambien me pasaban con los nombres!!jeje. yo los sumaba las letras y si me salia un numero impar me daba algo..aun me sigue pasando.
Las drogas las deje en parte por el apoyo de mi pareja y ademas despues de esos años consumiendo, llego un momento en el que pensaba que me perseguia alguien, sentia escalofrios por detras cuando andaba de noche para mi casa despues de salir de fiesta. Aquella sensacion solo duro unos 3 meses, lo justo para decidir dejarlo. Tambien me ha estado pasando unos 8 o 9años, que si x ej. tocaba algo con la mano derecha tenia que hacerlo con la izquierda tmbm, con la misma fuerza y en el mismo sentido. O si por ej. me giraba hacia la izquierda, tambien tenia que hacerlo hacia la derecha. joder haber si mejoro de una **** vez porque estoy echo polvo :(
29 October, 2012 - 23:05
Amigo no sabes que gusto
Amigo no sabes que gusto medio escuchar eso, te deseo lo mejor y veras que pronto te recuperas suerte :)
29 October, 2012 - 22:44
Si, en teoria puede ser que
Si, en teoria puede ser que tenga algo que ver, ya que me dijo la Lic. Marta cuando empeze la primera sesion que la marihuana o algun otro tipo de alucinogeno puede ayudar a desarrollar el TOC. Inclusive me pregunto a mi si consumia o no.
29 October, 2012 - 22:48
muchas gracias gabriel, pero
muchas gracias gabriel, pero no entiendo si lo deje (excepto un par de canutillos cada 6 o 7 meses) hace varios años, porque me salio al cabo de 3 años de dejarlo?? joder haber si voy aser gay..dios es que solo le veo una salida a todo esto
29 October, 2012 - 22:49
Jajaja a mi me pasa tambien
Jajaja a mi me pasa tambien eso que si adivino algo y pasa es porque soy gay, o si no no. O si este coche dobla aca es porque si. Jajaj fijate qe absurdo
29 October, 2012 - 22:53
jeje mira lo que esta claro
jeje mira lo que esta claro es que la gente con toch tenemos imaginacion..
29 October, 2012 - 22:54
encima dentro de 1 año me
encima dentro de 1 año me ire a vivir con mi novia y necesito estar bien para entonces..se que es la mujer de mi vida y que necesito estar con ella..pero y si no me curo, y con 30 o 35 años me doy cuenta que realmente soy gay?????
mmda (no verificado)
21 May, 2013 - 00:34
It was fun but overcrowd
It was fun, but overcrowded, for the rest of Pomerania had gone there too. Helen loved the country, and her letter glowed with physical exercise and poetry. She spoke of the scenery, quiet, yet august; of the snow-clad fields, with their scampering herds of deer; of the river and its quaint entrance into the Baltic Sea; of the Oderberge, only three hundred feet high, from which one slid all too quickly back into the Pomeranian plains, and yet these Oderberge were real mountains, with pine-forests, streams, and views complete. "It isn't size that counts so much as the way things are arranged." In another paragraph she referred to Mrs. Wilcox sympathetically, but the news had not bitten into her. She had not realized the accessories of death, which are in a sense more memorable than death itself. The atmosphere of precautions and recriminations, and in the midst a human body growing more vivid because it was in pain; the end of that body in Hilton churchyard; the survival of something that suggested hope, vivid in its turn against life's workaday cheerfulness;--all these were lost to Helen, who only felt that a pleasant lady could now be pleasant no longer. She returned to Wickham Place full of her own affairs--she had had another proposal--and Margaret, after a moment's hesitation, was content that this should be so.But in that quick interchange a new light dawned. Was that something" walking in the dark among the surburban hills? He discovered that he was going bareheaded down Regent Street. London came back with a rush. celine handbag Few were about at this hour, but all whom he passed looked at him with a hostility that was the more impressive because it was unconscious. He put his hat on. It was too big; his head disappeared like a pudding into a basin, the ears bending outwards at the touch of the curly brim. He wore it a little backwards, and its effect was greatly to elongate the face and to bring out the distance between the eyes and the moustache. Thus equipped, he escaped criticism.He had not expected Strickland to take him up on the spot and make his preparations to go there and then; above all, he had not expected his wife's decision to go with him. I saw that now he wished with all his heart that he had held his tongue. He preferred the anguish of jealousy to the anguish of separation. "I wanted to kill him, and I only made a fool of myself. " He was silent for a long time, and then he said what I knew was in his mind. "If I'd only waited, perhaps it would have gone all right. I shouldn't have been so impatient. Oh, poor child, what have I driven her to?" I shrugged my karen millen outlet shoulders, but did not speak." Then Strickland had a bit of luck. A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors' Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens. "You double down to the harbour, my lad, " said the Captain to Strickland, "and sign on. You've got your papers. " Strickland set off at once, and that was the last Captain Nichols saw of him. The ship was only in port for six hours, and in the evening Captain Nichols watched the vanishing smoke from her funnels as she ploughed East through the wintry sea. I have narrated all this as best I could, because I like the contrast of these episodes with the life that I had seen Strickland live in Ashley Gardens when he was occupied with stocks and shares; but I am aware that Captain Nichols was an outrageous liar, and I dare say there is not a word of truth in anything he told me. I should not be surprised to learn that he had never seen Strickland in his life, and owed his knowledge of Marseilles to the pages of a magazine.The earnest girl brought forward a scheme of "personal supervision and Celine Outlet - 2013 Celine Bags Online Cheap mutual help," the effect of which was to alter poor people until they became exactly like people who were not so poor. The hostess pertinently remarked that she, as eldest son, might surely rank among the millionaire's legatees. Margaret weakly admitted the claim, and another claim was at once set up by Helen, who declared that she had been the millionaire's housemaid for over forty years, overfed and underpaid; was nothing to be done for her, so corpulent and poor? The millionaire then read out her last will and testament, in which she left the whole of her fortune to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Then she died. The serious parts of the discussion had been of higher merit than the playful--in a men's debate is the reverse more general? --but the meeting broke up hilariously enough, and a dozen happy ladies dispersed to their homes. Helen and Margaret walked the earnest girl as far as Battersea Bridge Station, arguing copiously all the way. When she had gone they were conscious of an alleviation, and of the great beauty of the evening. They turned back towards Oakley Street.A mango grew in front of the house, and at the edge of the clearing were two flamboyants, twin trees, that challenged the gold of the cocoa-nuts karen millen dresses with their scarlet flowers. Here Strickland lived, coming seldom to Papeete, on the produce of the land. There was a little stream that ran not far away, in which he bathed, and down this on occasion would come a shoal of fish. Then the natives would assemble with spears, and with much shouting would transfix the great startled things as they hurried down to the sea. Sometimes Strickland would go down to the reef, and come back with a basket of small, coloured fish that Ata would fry in cocoa-nut oil, or with a lobster; and sometimes she would make a savoury dish of the great land-crabs that scuttled away under your feet. Up the mountain were wild-orange trees, and now and then Ata would go with two or three women from the village http://www.coachoutlets13.com/ and return laden with the green, sweet, luscious fruit. Then the cocoa-nuts would be ripe for picking, and her cousins (like all the natives, Ata had a host of relatives) would swarm up the trees and throw down the big ripe nuts. They split them open and put them in the sun to dry. related article: