Me surgio una nueva duda!

Hola, ayer entre en el foro y me puse a leer algunos posts y di con este hecho por Miroslaba:

Me llamo la atencion la respuesta que dio Marta:

Hay una parte donde dice que la masturbacion y la orientacion sexual no tienen mucho en comun, y relacionarlos denota ignorancia en cuanto a materia de sexualidad.

Esto me puso algo nervioso, ¿porque que quiere decir?

¿quiere decir que toda mi vida puedo masturbarme pensando en mujeres y puedo ser gay?

Mi caso particular es que toda mi vida fantasiè con mujeres, me enamore de varias, vi pornografia hetero, o de lesbianas y siempre me gustò mucho.
Ahora estoy en una recaida de toch, gracias a la idea que me surgiò a partir de esa respuesta de Marta a Miroslaba de que la masturbacion no define la sexualidad de la gente.

Agradezco mucho sus respuestas!

De quien te enamoraste o quien te gusto toda la vida? las mujeres no es cierto? bueno ahi tenes la respuesta man, nunca te gusto un hombre o no? entonces como vas a ser gay si nunca le diste bola a un hombre antes de la obsesion. Y la masturbacion en parte si es el deseo de estar con esa mujer que soñamos tener sexo, entendes? yo siempre me masturbe con mujeres, porque me nacio naturalmente con mujeres siempre, no es algo que hice comprobandome, siempre estuve seguro de mi sexualidad, nunca dude! y me dijo marta que si nunca dudamos de nuestra sexualidad es porqe somos hetero!

y si uno duda entonces que significa? que no lo es?

A mi me dijo asi, osea no quiere decir que seas gay. Pero si nunca dudaste ni nada de eso quiere decir qe es obvio que es una obsesion. Si siempre estuviste seguro de tu sexualidad y de golpe empezas a pensar que sos gay por cualquier tonteria es obvio que es por el TOCH. Eso es lo que quiere decir Marta

a mi me paso lo mismo amigo! a mi la primera vez que me agarraron estas dudas sobre mi sexualidad fue de la nada y derrepente. Luego las supere y segui adelante mi vida sexual!!! hasta incluso volver a llegar al punto de decir "estoy 100% seguro de que soy hetero" y bueno... mas adelante volvi a caer en esta basura. No te dejes llevar por esto! no sos gay. Si fueras gay ya estarias encamado con un tipo y te querrias casar con el.

Uff huy no no diga eso

lleva ya dos años medicados en terapias y solo durante epocas de estres venian las obsesiones que me causaban ya hasta risa. pero ultimamente no me causan risa me da mucha ansiedad se me va el aire empiezo a pensar y si me estoy auto engañando de echo en este momento mientras escribo esto mi mente me dice te estas autoengañando sabes que eres gay pero no me gustan los hombres.
siempre me han gustado las mujeres amo a las mujeres nunca dude de mi sexualidad pero ahorita dudo osea se que no soy pero aaa no se que tal si enserio me estoy autoengañando un rollo asi.
no se odio esta basura aparte tengo miedo de volver a caer en depresion por esto por que enserio no soy gay amo a las mujeres.
pero de nuevo en este momento dice mi mente los quieres convencer a ellos pero tu sabes que no y es como diablos.
que esta pasando ayudaaaa

Exactamente algo así me pasa a mi. a pesar de que ahorita mismo viniera alguien y me dijera que soy gay yo no le creería y no lo aceptaría yo sigo con esta mierda en la cabeza. Tambien cuando escribo acá algo en mi lo desmiente y siento como si no fuera cierto y me estuviera engañando a mi mismo. Incluso cuando narro cosas del pasado por ejemplo que en el colegio me gustaba esta u otra niña algo me dice que eso no es verdad o que nunca paso y no es real. espero hacerme entender.

It's not worth while having a row." Charles and his father sometimes disagreed. But they always parted with an increased regard for one another, and each desired no doughtier comrade when it was necessary to voyage for a little past the emotions. So the sailors of Ulysses voyaged past the Sirens, having first stopped one another's ears with wool. Charles need not have been anxious. Miss Schlegel had never heard of his mother's strange request. She was to hear of it in after years, when she had built up her life differently, and it was to fit into position as the headstone of the corner. Her mind was bent on other questions now, and by her also it would have been rejected as the fantasy of an invalid. She was parting from these Wilcoxes cheap celine handbags for the second time.Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. I recognised its social values, I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart was a desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change -- change and the excitement of the unforeseen. On reading over what I have written of the Stricklands, I am conscious that they must seem shadowy. I have been able to invest them with none of those characteristics which make the persons of a book exist with a real life of their own; and, wondering if the fault is mine, I rack my brains to remember idiosyncrasies which might lend them vividness. I feel that by dwelling on some trick of speech or some queer habit I should be able to give them a significance peculiar to themselves. "The brown bunch was Helen, but did you catch sight of a sea-green and salmon bunch?" "What! are they out beanfeasting?" "No; business. They wanted to see me, and later on I want to talk to you about them." She was ashamed of her own diplomacy. In dealing with a Wilcox, how tempting it was to lapse from comradeship, and to give him the kind of woman that he desired! Henry took the hint at once, and said: "Why later on? Tell me now. No time like the present." "Shall I?" "If it isn't a long story." "Oh, not five minutes; but there's a sting at the end of it, cheap celine bags for I want you to find the man some work in your office." "What are his qualifications?" "I don't know. He's a clerk." "How old?" "Twenty-five, perhaps." "What's his name?" "Bast," said Margaret, and was about to remind him that they had met at Wickham Place, but stopped herself. It had not been a successful meeting. "Where was he before?" "Dempster's Bank." "Why did he leave?" he asked, still remembering nothing. "They reduced their staff." "All right; I'll see him." It was the reward of her tact and devotion through the day.STROEVE, Dirk wishes me to tell you that if at any time you want him he will be grateful for the opportunity of being of service to you. He has no ill-feeling towards you on account of anything that has happened. His love for you is unaltered. You will always find him at the following address: But though I was no less convinced than Stroeve that the connection between Strickland and Blanche would end disastrously, I did not expect the issue to take the tragic form it did. The summer came, breathless and sultry, and even at night there was no coolness to rest one's jaded nerves. The sun-baked streets seemed to give back the heat that had beat down on them during the day, and the passers-by dragged their feet along them wearily. I had not seen Strickland for weeks. Occupied with other things, I had ceased to think of him and his affairs.Though clumsy and a little inconvenient, Oniton coach outlet online was a genuine country house. They clattered down flagged passages, looking into room after room, and scaring unknown maids from the performance of obscure duties. The wedding-breakfast must be in readiness when they came back from church, and tea would be served in the garden. The sight of so many agitated and serious people made Margaret smile, but she reflected that they were paid to be serious, and enjoyed being agitated. Here were the lower wheels of the machine that was tossing Evie up into nuptial glory. A little boy blocked their way with pig-tails. His mind could not grasp their greatness, and he said: "By your leave; let me pass, please." Henry asked him where Burton was. But the servants were so new that they did not know one another's names.For one thing, Mr. Wilcox still seemed a stranger. For a time they talked about the ring; then she said: "Do you remember the Embankment at Chelsea? It can't be ten days ago." "Yes," he said, laughing. "And you and your sister were head and ears deep in some Quixotic scheme. karen millen outlet Ah well!" "I little thought then, certainly. Did you?" "I don't know about that; I shouldn't like to say." "Why, was it earlier?" she cried. "Did you think of me this way earlier! How extraordinarily interesting, Henry! Tell me." But Henry had no intention of telling. Perhaps he could not have told, for his mental states became obscure as soon as he had passed through them. related article: